Bluegrass Tom
JoinedTopics Started by Bluegrass Tom
Information on Validity of 1914 Date
by Bluegrass Tom in.
here are a few facts that i have recently discovered by doing some research.
1,200,000 Publishers left between 1993-2002
by Bluegrass Tom ini have been bothered for some time by the sneaking suspicion that the publisher increases published annually are never realized in a tangible way.
therefore, i sat down and studied a 10 year period of what has been published by the society to see if i could get a warm and fuzzy feeling about these increases.
after hours i have realized the following:
How do I get the WT to delete my history?
by Etude indoes anyone know if it's at all possible to see what the wt has on you if you're not longer associated with them?
is it possible to request, maybe legally, that they expunge any information about you?
does it stay there forever?
simple but bad plan
by tenrats instay with me on this plan if you dare.i have heard that if one were to leaflet cars at a kingdom hall the elders will come out and remove the leaflet from the windshield.
is this correct?
i hope so.
How to respond to any JW about The Watchtower being an NGO
by Bluegrass Tom ini prepared the following in abrief essay form from my research on the subject.. please read it through.
it will take a few minutes.i believe it is comprehensive enough for use with almost anyone.. if any one wants it in word ot pdf format, i can email it you.. a matter of reason.
the issue of being disturbed by the watchtower society becoming associated with the united nations as a non-governmental organization (ngo) is not a matter of faith, but a matter of reason.. .
Response from my elders about UN
by Sumflower ini presented that document to an elder from our hall... he called and told me exactly what i expected they would say (library card deal).
so i wrote the un and got a letter back saying they were totally seperate and so forth, and fwd'd it to the same elder.
he told me at the meeting that night that he called again and got in touch with someone who knew something.
Letter to my Mom about UN NGO association
by Quotes inthe backstory: my mom became jw when she was young (early 20s, i think).
my dad is an elder and has been for years.
i had opportunity to mention the un thing via telephone a couple of times over the last couple years, always "buying out the opportune time," and encouraged my mom to check it out herself.. of course, she didn't bother to check out anything.
Sex abuse forum
by Phil in.
it appears that william bowen is starting procedings to take the watch tower to the courts.
(desert sun 28 march,2004) he says that about 6000 sexually abused persons have contacted him in the past to express outrage at being silenced by the bad institutionsl policies.kimberly norris of fort worth texas is handling a case for 47 alleged abuse victims and she says that she has been contacted by 2000 individuals who have claimed to have been abused.. has anyone read about this?
Cost of ad in New York Times for NGO letter??
by pc inany idea what the cost for newspaper ad would be displaying the letter?
E-Watchman Has Sent NGO Letters to Over 5000 U.S. Congregations!
by Greenpalmtreestillmine ine-watchman has sent over 5000 letters to congregations in the u.s informing them of the ngo debacle and a similar one to 101 branches around the world.
and according to his guestbook post he has signed his real name to the letters!
great work and great news!